Saturday, March 14, 2009

Southern Showers

I hosted a baby shower for a friend today. She's originally from "up north," but all of the guests she invited (except her mother) were from here in Georgia, so I thought it would be appropriate to host a true, southern shower. (Meaning, get out all my fun crystal and silver that I never get to play with!)

So, I planned out my menu: finger sandwiches (chicken salad and pimento cheese), cheese straws, champagne oranges (using sparkling grape juice so the mommy-to-be could partake of the deliciousness), marinated mozzarella and cherry tomato skewers, petit fours, cupcake bites, madeleines, and this adorable punch recipe I found online (blue punch that you float vanilla ice cream in...when the ice cream melts it looks like bubbles, and then you float a rubber duckie in it --- it was precious). I can say precious because this blog is about the south. I don't ever say my children are precious, but this punch was precious. :)

So, last night I had my husband helping me decorate 36 tiny cupcakes, and we polished silver for 2 hours and washed all the cystal punch cups. We hung a little clothesline above both the windows in my living room and hung onesies on the line with teeny tiny clothespins. It was so exciting and fun.

Then, this afternoon, the guests started to arrive. All of a sudden, I hear an ear-splitting scream...the mom-to-be had neglected to tell me that one of her mother's friends was deathly afraid of cats. A grown woman. Whoever heard of such a thing?? So, we closed the cats in the garage, got the woman some tissues, and thought everything would be fine. Then, uh-oh, someone opened the door to the room the cats were in. More screaming and crying. Oh. my. I spoke to the guest of honor and informed her that this was a pretty key detail that she neglected to inform me of. I felt horrible, my cats were confused, and this woman was terrified. Luckily, we managed to get that somewhat resolved...

Then, when everyone went to fix their plates, one of the guests asked me to go over all the ingredients in everything I had made. Turns out she had some pretty major food allergies. Again, key detail that no one thought to tell me about. She ended up eating oranges and one of the sandwiches, but coughing and choking and blowing her nose throughout the shower because she has gluten allergies. Argh. Strike two.

I think most everyone had fun. I know the mommy-to-be and her Atlanta friends enjoyed it because this was a pretty typical shower for Atlanta. I think a lot of the family from South Georgia might have been a bit uncomfortable, though. I understand now that what we consider "football food" is what they consider "party food" down there. I think they were looking for the meatballs and the cocktail weiners in barbeque sauce and the chips and dip. Lawsie. They seemed to enjoy everything, though, even though it might not have been quite what they were expecting.

Was it fun? Yes. Did the mom-to-be appreciate it? Absolutely. Did she get a lot of nice things? Yes, she did. Did my mother have ulterior motives when she lent me some of her silver, knowing I'd end up polishing all of it for her? Maybe. :) Would I do it again? In a heartbeat. :)


  1. That punch looks adorable! I have to get that recipe. Was the mom-to-be also a bride-to-be?

  2. Hey!

    The punch was easy -- it's equal parts blue hawaiian punch and 7-up (I went a little heavier on the 7-up...just eyeball it). Then you scoop in the vanilla ice cream. I think I did about 6-7 scoops, but again, whatever looks good. Do this about 30 minutes before the party starts. The ice cream will foam up and you can put your duck in. :) It actually tastes pretty good, too, since there aren't 15 different things mixed together like in some punches. :)

    And, no, the mom-to-be wasn't also a bride-to-be. :) I fixed the typos. Thanks! :)
